We are part of the Universal body of Christ who received the Great Commission to “Go make disciples of all nations.” In pursuit of reconciling human beings to God, we have grace to follow the Master’s pattern of “going about doing good and healing all victims of devil’s oppression.” Convincingly inspired by Christ’s bidding: “Go and do likewise,” we engage in winning souls and making disciples by showing compassion to the people.
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    Working Hours : Sun-monday, 09am-5pm
    Copyright © 2024 Divine Compassion Outreach. All Rights Reserved.
    We are part of the Universal body of Christ who received the Great Commission to “Go make disciples of all nations.” In pursuit of reconciling human beings to God, we have grace to follow the Master’s pattern of “going about doing good and healing all victims of devil’s oppression.” Convincingly inspired by Christ’s bidding: “Go and do likewise,” we engage in winning souls and making disciples by showing compassion to the people.
    Need Any Help? Or Looking For an Agent

      Working Hours : Sun-monday, 09am-5pm
      Copyright © 2024 Divine Compassion Outreach. All Rights Reserved.
      The Compassion Outreach

      Help us fund God’s projects by giving money or materials

      The Compassion Outreach

      Expressing the Compassion of Jesus Christ in a Distressed World, Expanding God’s Kingdom

      The Compassion Outreach

      Expressing the compassion of Jesus Christ in a distressed world, expanding God’s kingdom.


      “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him,” (Acts 10:38).

      We are part of the Universal body of Christ who received the Great Commission to “Go make disciples of all nations.” In pursuit of reconciling human beings to God, we have grace to follow the Master’s pattern of “going about doing good and healing all victims of devil’s oppression.” Convincingly inspired by Christ’s bidding: “Go and do likewise,” we engage in winning souls and making disciples by showing compassion to the people. It means that “Divine Compassion Outreach” prefers sharing the good news of Christ with charity works. Particular attention is given to the unchurched and disadvantaged people. Obviously, there are many people out there who are like the certain man who fell among robbers while traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho. They fell victim to Satan’s lies, deceit and merciless maltreatments while travelling through the broad and crowded way of life; their true identities had been stripped, and to them, the real meaning of life seems to be unclear.

      25 Years Of Experience in charity fund
      About Us
      • Spirituality: Exalting Jesus Christ, the only Saviour of mankind, Lord of lords and King of kings. Living God’s pre-eminence, His praise, His pleasure and pursuing eternal glory as the ultimate.
      • Charity For Education to Poor People’s
      • Simplicity: Real life, without complexity or complication.
      • Empathy: It is not enough to feel their pains, we chose to provide relief to their discomforts and soothe their disadvantages.
      • Profundity: Discreet in behaviour and diligent in service.
      • Equity: Equal rights, relationship and respect. Operating “circle of safety” where everybody matters and watches each other’s back.
      • Credibility: Characters that are believable, trustable and attract confidence.
      • Propriety: Guided by God’s principles, standards and compliant to the approved laws.
      • Synergy: We share our strengths, our burdens and our blessings in corporate spirit.
      • Urgency: Today is the proper time to work. So, we redeem the time by maximizing opportunities.

      To be fervent, faithful, forceful and fruitful Gospel agent in God’s hand for bringing complete salvation to the lost mankind.

      Expressing the compassion of Jesus Christ in a distressed world, expanding God’s kingdom.

      Help us fund God’s projects by giving money or materials

      Act of an individual or group freely giving time and labor, often for community service

      The natural environment or natural world encompasses all living and non-living things.

      Term that includes a myriad of services that can be provided to seniors and elder.

      Including money, alms, services, or goods such as clothing, toys, food, or vehicles

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